Mad Men
Mad men, when they move their fingers in the air, are trying to pacify an equatorial cyclone. And by stamping their foot are trying to stop a Volcano in Japan [...]
Mad men, when they move their fingers in the air, are trying to pacify an equatorial cyclone. And by stamping their foot are trying to stop a Volcano in Japan [...]
Attempted translation from Malayalam of- Satchidanandan’s “Tao kshetratil pokendathengane?” How to go to the Tao temple Do not lock your house Go via the subtle slope of dawn with- [...]
The name of the author is the first to go followed obediently by the title, the plot, the heartbreaking conclusion, the entire novel which suddenly becomes one you have never [...]
Timur, I hear, took the trouble to conquer the earth.I don't understand him.With a bit of hard liquor you can forget the earth.I'm not saying anything against Alexander,Only I have [...]