October 2007

Gore Nobel

By |2007-10-13T15:17:31-05:00October 13th, 2007|Uncategorized|

NYTimes editorial says, One can generate a lot of heartburn thinking about all of the things that would be better about this country and the world if the Supreme Court [...]

March 2007

Forrest Gump Confesses

By |2007-03-23T21:51:00-05:00March 16th, 2007|Trivia|

The Forrest Gump of Global Terror has confessed. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is one of the three hundred and twenty seven (courtesy : random number generator) people the US considers to [...]

February 2007

The Slow Drumbeat of Another war

By |2007-02-14T23:08:00-05:00February 14th, 2007|Uncategorized|

One can sense it, the slow drumbeat of another war. In the past two weeks the military-intelligence-government complex has been building up a new case against Iran. A confrontation with [...]

January 2007

The State of the Union

By |2007-01-28T22:25:00-05:00January 28th, 2007|Politics|

Joseph Palmi: Let me ask you something... we Italians, we got our families, and we got the chuch; the Irish they have the homeland, jews their tradition; even the niggas, [...]

American Women

By |2007-01-17T06:52:00-05:00January 17th, 2007|India|

"A gentleman asked me to marry him and I said no," she recalled. "I told him, "ËœI'm just beginning to fly again, I'm just beginning to be me. Don't take [...]

December 2006

Martin Luther King Jr – "I have a dream"

By |2006-12-03T02:06:00-05:00December 3rd, 2006|Uncategorized|

I haven't seen anything more powerful before, full video - Youtube, 17 minutesMartin Luther King Jr - "I have a dream"Full text of the speechExcerpts :"And as we walk, we [...]

November 2006

October 2006

Bowling for Columbine

By |2006-10-05T04:37:00-05:00October 5th, 2006|Uncategorized|

Naomi Rose Ebersol was 'a seven year old angel', she went to school this monday morning and was taken hostage by Charles Carl Roberts,a 32 year old milk tank driver [...]

September 2006

The Commandments of Fascism

By |2006-09-01T22:52:00-05:00September 1st, 2006|Politics|

George Bush has coined the new term 'Islamo Fasicm'. The new rhetoric is going around with the punch line that if you do not support the War in Iraq ,if [...]

August 2006


By |2006-08-25T22:05:00-05:00August 25th, 2006|Uncategorized|

"Hollywood is where they shoot too many pictures ... and not enough actors." - Walter WinchellMotion picture is arguably the greatest art form human race has laid its hands upon [...]

May 2006

Of Human migration

By |2010-06-17T21:00:12-05:00May 18th, 2006|Papa Bear, Politics|

We are all immigrants,some of us geographically,many of us socially in times of upward or descending mobility and a few of us find ourselves in wastelands or newfoundlands after the [...]

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