If you are politically neutral, read no further. (or read this)
…… is not politically neutral and can never be. Bodhi Commons does not hate politicians nor tries to appeal to an apolitical audience. If you are apolitical, for us, you are as good as dead. If you have politics of any kind, pull a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and we’ll talk. If you are apolitical, for us, you are as good as dead. I’m sorry if this sounds callous, it’s not intentional, it just reminds us we were 19 years old once.
BodhiCommons.org (beta*)
Bodhi was the wall magazine of College of Engineering Trivandrum. I am not sure if it has been discontinued like many other old wooden signboards we have banished to the southern hemisphere of our thoughts and discussions. How relevant could a wall magazine be in the age of accessing the WSJournal on a hand held or tweeting your stream of consciousness while clocking 7 mph on the treadmill. It sure isn’t relevant.
But there were many new threads, ideas, and some curious (at times stubborn) ways of looking at the world triggered by Bodhi and the ecosystem of student activism in College of Engineering Trivandrum. And we did debate those issues the way 19 year olds debate issues – impulsive, callous, and with much ado pretty much about nothing. All of us moved on, but as you would realize, internet has made sure that Generation Y can run, but cannot hide for long.
So the discussions and debates and motherhood statements and calls for revolutions continued over the past one decade, quite regularly even as the world around us took on shades of gray as opposed to black and white we saw in campus. Bodhi Commons – the portal – at times may seem too black and white. Its not intentional, it just reminds us we were 19 years old once.
Bodhi Commons has a clear left leaning. BC is not politically neutral and can never be. Bodhi Commons does not hate politicians nor tries to appeal to an apolitical audience. If you are apolitical, for us, you are as good as dead. If you have politics of any kind, pull a chair, grab a cup of coffee, let’s talk, argue whatever. If you are apolitical,for us, you are as good as dead. I’m sorry if this is callous, it’s not intentional, it just reminds us we were 19 year old once, and reminds you to take a stand.
Bodhi has no clear political agenda, so my best guess is it will try to align with the center left side of the debate in most issues. Not a 1917 or 1969 kind of left, but a 2010 kind of left. We are aware of the P.Sainaths and the Hindus and the Pragotis of this world (as none of us grew up in an island nor do most of us plan to be one if we grow up), but at the same time we feel that discussions in the impulsive Gen Y space has been hijacked to a large extend by neo-liberal rightwing moorings and voodoo development mantra. Bodhi Commons is an essential Gen Y space, though we are open to discussion on that.
While walking back from school, my north Indian friend told my malayali Christian friend “that the Indian government taxes Hindu temples and invests half the proceedings to pay for Chruches and Mosques. And he added that as long as Narendra Modi brought in development it didn’t matter if he okeyed a genocide or not ““ because that is what the common man needs” He also added he had no political affiliation whatsoever.
At Bodhi we do not agree that it is what the common man needs, we think that liberating mind spaces and gaining heart share for a more inclusive society lies at the core of creating a better society for all of us. We don’t believe in asking who deserves it, because everyone does. Really, everyone. That’s one thing we are clear about, though we are confused about a lot of other things, which might make I’m sure some of you look at BC and say “it’s a joke”. Yes its part joke, part very serious. In that way it’s collegiate and keeps you from getting old.
And in reclaiming the commons, Bodhi will speak in both languages ““ Malayalam and the common language. And so I did give a data driven, fact based rebuttal to the claims my north Indian friend made. Though my explanation started with a “that right wing son of a bitch”¦” Sometimes Bodhi might sound a bit like this, especially for people from Impotenistan who try to claim the commons from within a veil of political neutrality. It is not intentional; it just reminds us we were 19 years old once.
See below for a well written introduction to Bodhi in Malayalam:
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Aasamsakal. Best wishes.
@Nikhil, does anyone read blogs anymore?
Yes, they do read blogs! If you will write 🙂
About this one Brahma, paavam abhipraayam illaatha kure janangal undu. Athine vivaram illayma ennu venemenkil vilikkaam. Appol, avarodu samsaarikkilla ennu Bodhi enthinaa shadikkunnathu? Apolitical = Faaar Right/BJP/RSS___ enna mun dhaarana is a little problematic! Apolitical is not just ” All politicians are corrupt and the system sucks” – Apolitical is also, knowing that one does not know the complete truth about any political party and hence not taking a party based stand. I may not take a stand, but I am ready to listen! Will Bodhi talk to me?
Thats a good one! Political stand is not relating to a political party, nobody knows what CPIM or BJP or Congress is doing within their closed doors. But these parties have an open agenda on almost all issues, which is not tough to understand. And political debate need not have party affiliations, but it does require involvement. So as long as you are involved, and fact based I think Bodhi would love to have a conversation with you.
ive heard many ppl..esp, North Indian acquaintances justifying Modi coz he s bringing “development” to the state in spite of the genocide..I wud certainly join u in calling them “right wing sobs”..
But, i ve seen many mallu guys, who are “purogamana idathupaksham”. But, all they do is work in big corporates, gets sports car, live in a foreign developed country, show off their designer brands and type in their concern abt “malsya thozhilali kalude adukala prashnangal’ in their MAC.. and usually use “kadicha potta tha” malayalam words to express their ideology..
I smell hypocrisy here? or am i wrong? jus prejudiced? I dont claim to have in-depth knowledge of agendas of either the left or the right.but ya.. i do have a brief understanding of their open agendas
but, i would be really happy to understand what the agenda of “purogamana idathu paksham” is..if possible in a language which would be understood by the common man in kerala?
oh..btw.. i m not criticizing ..jus trying to understand what goes in the mind of fellow mallu friends.. and i write this comment here..coz i m definitely not politically neutral nor am i anti-politicians..so, i guess i can be part of bodhi commons??
keep writing man..
@Ambili, the points you have raised is something which a lot many of us have debated over and over. Are our stands hypocritical? I cannot answer for all, but personally I can assure you that I am totally oblivious of my hypocrisy even when I criticize the “North Indian” hypocrisy. And if you notice the tone of my arguments here, its very combative, and that in itself is a primary trouble with the Indian left.
Now let me tell you, in another few months, Indian left will be in shambles politically, and the already dwindling number of leftist voices in the “Gen Y” space will near extinction. Read it along with the fact that India will be growing at break neck pace, and without an economic crisis or extreme communal riots there is no way anyone will miss the left.
I believe it is important to maintain leftist voices in the “Gen Y” space, and that is what BC intends to do. I believe it is important to maintain a constant leftist dialogue in the public discourse of India and Kerala, and just the fact that I read WSJournal in the morning or wear Banana Republic does not mean that my concern for fishermen facing eviction in Kerala is any less than that of someone who reads madhyamam and wears khadi.
Working for an MNC or living in a foreign country are ways each of us try to sell our labor. There is nothing more than that. Someone who works for Reliance petrochemicals is no less than someone who works for ISRO. Atleast thats the way I see it.Even owning a Porsche is justified if you believe that everyone deserves a Porsche. Personally, progressive leftism is a frame of mind. It’s a way you react to right wing grand standings online and offline.
And I do believe that “neo-liberalism”, “imperialism”, “revisionism” etc are terms that have been around for long for anyone with even a fleeting interest to understand. As you would know these are very complex issues, and like Eienstein said relativity theory was not meant to be explained in kindergarten. I don’t think we should wince or feel bad when we use those terms. Mallus often have a smirk when they hear these words, but for a lot many people these words make the difference between life and death.
This could be people in Orissa fighting Vedanta, people in Burma fighting the junta, people in England fighting the fee hikes. Sandeshathil Sreenivasan parayunna pole “manushyanta katha ellayidathum onnanu”. Athu kondanu purogamana idathupaksham Polandine kurichu parayunna. “Mooladhanam” moolathine kurichulla entho aanu ennu vicharikkunna youth congressukaranu athu manasilavilla. Ivideyanu njan ee paranja combative arrogance varunnathu idathupakshathinu.
Overall I agree with you that contradictions exist, but at the same time its worthwhile to invest some energy in the disappearing left side of the online debate.
ok, I had to share this with you ! Some reactions to Yedurappa, not resigning, awesomeness 😉
“Congrats to Mr. CM for winning yet another battle and teaching us a very important management lesson.. “Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then you will find the way.” ”
” It is a good thing that he is not going.He has now given back the land and is opening up the entire scam and looking at every deal from several years. Every government was involved in this scam, and now he will ensure that this is taken up. Had he resigned, this issue would have died out!”
And this person, did not even allow me to respond! I gave up! How amusing is our stand sometimes!
@BD, ha right wing nut jobs! they will never allow freedom of expression, unlike the CPM which never chases you down if you forward an innocuous mail abt the part secretary :p
…But, i ve seen many mallu guys, who are “purogamana idathupaksham”. But, all they do is work in big corporates, gets sports car, live in a foreign developed country, show off their designer brands and type in their concern abt “malsya thozhilali kalude adukala prashnangal’ in their MAC.. and usually use “kadicha potta tha” malayalam words to express their ideology…
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This is all bullshit man. I am an alumni of CET and I know for certain that atleast 70% of the ppl who join SFI in CET (or ABVP in MG college for that matter) join just cos of the muscle power of SFI (ABVP) in that college. I am not saying all are coerced to do so. But it is human nature to long for comfort and ppl normally tend to stay in the good books of the stronger ones. And I already know you would disagree (and excuse me if I am wrong 😉 ), but that probably is the reason why you yourself is such a strong (??) SFI guy.
I do agree that communism was a very beautiful dream.. Sadly, a dream it stayed. If you wake up and blink around you, all those colorful rainbow images are gone.. I think the scene where Neo escapes from the Robotic Womb in Matrix pretty much sums it up.. The communists today are a greater bourgeoisie than the very bourgeoisie they dreamed to uproot in early 50s and 60s. They certainly are, if personal riches is a measure of bourgeoisism. Neo communists are afterall the richest in the state today.
Just look around.. Do you see socialism? Do you see sovereignty? All ‘I’ see are broken roads and rich Leaders.. Why cant the leaders accept some criticism? Why do they ‘HAVE TO’ crush anyone who stands against them? Why were the youths who sent a fake pic of the Secys house arrested (I think per the police FIR, this was one of the most horrendous crimes of 2009)? Why dint the Secy, or anyone close to him, just publish a real pic of his house? Why are people feeling so alienated from the communist ideology ( Thats probably cos none of the leaders actually practice them)? Why dont they atleast reign in their sociopath sons (Does an apple really fall that far from the tree)? Lavlin? Smart City? Cadre erosion? Corruption? Education? VIP? Strong CM (rotfl)? I can make the list pretty longer.. BUt then whats the point?
And FYI.. I am definitely not the messiah who has taken birth to reform all these. As I said earlier, I too am a comfort loving person and dont wish to come face to face with the Stronger ones. So.. Long live Lenin and lets leave Lavlin.
P.S : About this BC thing you are talking.. I think I speak for 90% of the CET community when I say that ‘I dint know it existed!!!!!’.
DontQuiteAgreeing is a good way of looking at things. But my fellow CETian why do you assume that I wont agree with you. I do agree with you. Like you I am a comfort loving person too, and we agree on that, and I kinda lazily believe everybody should have those comforts, and you can call it socialism or capitalism or anything you want. Don’t you agree with me on that? And let me tell you, I am an MBA from one of the top schools in the planet, and as you know MBAs know more than anyone else in the world. And I can assure you that we can get these comforts to a lot many people – it’s possible. Bodhi Commons is one way of letting people know that we can do it.
And my friend, it is very important to have beliefs and faith. And faith needs no proof. You said you are not a Messiah, which means you believe in a Messiah. Good! So its like some people believe Christ is gonna come back, and some believe Christ couldn’t come, so Marx came. Both are belief systems, you don’t need proof for that. Call it socialism or Christianity or Hinduism or notgettingnaughtywithyoursisterism. These are all belief systems. All that matters is whether these beliefs make you a better person, and a better social being.
And dear CETian, it’s been a while since I graduated from CET. And I presume you had bad experiences with SFI in CET like scores of CETians. I am so sorry about that. But I do hope your angst has instilled in you a better view of the world, much better than the leftist ideology, and much better that “dontquiteagreetoanything” or “dontreallygiveadamn”. We all have our angsts and disappointments, but I guess whats important is how it develops our world view for the better. And its time you get over it, may be someone very important didn’t hug you, but thats ok, we have to move on. (then if you are still cross with SFI from CET, I would recommend the CET forum in Orkut where we had a good therapy session which went on for a couple of weeks in 2006. Very heated discussion there, so do checkout)
And I do agree that given the issues you raised about the ruling party in Kerala, that you read your newspapers well, which is a rare thing nowadays. So thank you for the comment. I wish you all the comforts, and come May the ruling hooligans are replaced by the spectacular coalation of Jose K Mani, Kunhali Kutty, M K Soopi, Ramesh Chennithala, Ommen Chandy, P J Joseph, K Balakrishna Pillai, and T M Jacob. Nice team. This is so hilarious!!
Thanks for the comment.
I am an alumni of CET and I know for certain that atleast 70% of the ppl who join SFI in CET (or ABVP in MG college for that matter) join just cos of the muscle power of SFI (ABVP) in that college. I am not saying all are coerced to do so. But it is human nature to long for comfort and ppl normally tend to stay in the good books of the stronger ones.
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I do agree that communism was a very beautiful dream.. Sadly, a dream it stayed. If you wake up and blink around you, all those colorful rainbow images are gone.. I think the scene where Neo escapes from the Robotic Womb in Matrix pretty much sums it up.. The communists today are a greater bourgeoisie than the very bourgeoisie they dreamed to uproot in early 50s and 60s. They certainly are, if personal riches is a measure of bourgeoisism. Neo communists are afterall the richest in the state today.
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Just look around.. Do you see socialism? Do you see sovereignty? All “ËœI’ see are broken roads and rich Leaders..
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Why cant the leaders accept some criticism? Why do they “ËœHAVE TO’ crush anyone who stands against them?
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Why were the youths who sent a fake pic of the Secys house arrested (I think per the police FIR, this was one of the most horrendous crimes of 2009)? Why dint the Secy, or anyone close to him, just publish a real pic of his house?
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Why are people feeling so alienated from the communist ideology ( Thats probably cos none of the leaders actually practice them)?
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Why dont they atleast reign in their sociopath sons (Does an apple really fall that far from the tree)? Lavlin? Smart City? Cadre erosion? Corruption? Education? VIP? Strong CM (rotfl)? I can make the list pretty longer.. BUt then whats the point?
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And FYI.. I am definitely not the messiah who has taken birth to reform all these. As I said earlier, I too am a comfort loving person and dont wish to come face to face with the Stronger ones. So.. Long live Lenin and lets leave Lavlin.
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@ BVN.
I am an MBA from one of the top schools in the planet, and as you know MBAs know more than anyone else in the world.
–> Now that, my friend, is not communism. That stinks more like narcissism. Anyway its good to know that India is safe in your (and your fellow MBAites from the top schools in the planet) hands once you complete your course. By the way, which NGO are you planning to join? Or will you be making your contribution thru the ‘Corp Social Resp’ initiative of some big corporate? Just curious..
And my friend, it is very important to have beliefs and faith. And faith needs no proof. You said you are not a Messiah, which means you believe in a Messiah. Good! So its like some people believe Christ is gonna come back, and some believe Christ couldn’t come, so Marx came. Both are belief systems, you don’t need proof for that.
–> Do I believe in a Messiah. Not sure. But even if I believe in one, that dude will certainly not be wearing a red bandana on his forhead or a Che T Shirt.
Some people believe Laden came to Liberate Islam. Some people believe that Hitler came to liberate Germany. Faith needs no proof. But that doesnt necessarily make them any less evil than they actually are. Every belief, every religion, every group (well atleast most of them) originates from some noble thought. But down the lane, some loose the very basic ideals on which it was built.
Call it socialism or Christianity or Hinduism or notgettingnaughtywithyoursisterism. These are all belief systems. All that matters is whether these beliefs make you a better person, and a better social being.
–> notgettingnaughtywithyoursisterism. Now thats wicked man. Think this is one variation of swearatanyonewhoobjectsmotherism.
I do agree though, if your beliefs make you a better person, thats good. But that was my very point exactly. And thats why I am SAD.
And dear CETian, it’s been a while since I graduated from CET. And I presume you had bad experiences with SFI in CET like scores of CETians. I am so sorry about that. But I do hope your angst has instilled in you a better view of the world, much better than the leftist ideology, and much better that “dontquiteagreetoanything” or “dontreallygiveadamn”. We all have our angsts and disappointments, but I guess whats important is how it develops our world view for the better. And its time you get over it, may be someone very important didn’t hug you, but thats ok, we have to move on.
–> You’ve got me all wrong. No one tried to stick it up me. I aint sad someone dint hug me. And I actually had a lot of friends in SFI from my college days. Still have. And I know these guys pretty good. Most are really nice ppl. And most dont give a fuck of what happens around them. And they do nothing about what happens around them. Neither do I. But then, I dont develop this alter ego and write blogs claiming that me and my leftist brothers are going to change this world for good.
A brother is certainly entitled to an opinion. But then preach only what you practice. Thats all I am saying.
And come May the ruling hooligans are replaced by the spectacular coalation of Jose K Mani, Kunhali Kutty, M K Soopi, Ramesh Chennithala, Ommen Chandy, P J Joseph, K Balakrishna Pillai, and T M Jacob. Nice team. This is so hilarious!!
–> Actually, thats not so hilarious. Kinda scary. But if Thammil Bhedam Oomen, I’ll certainly choose him. And I believe most people would do the same for the next election. As you said, faith needs no proof and I dont have none. Atleast until the next elections.
Haha! this would have been another boring Saturday…so thanks for the comment…almost feels like I am sitting in Sallap speaking to an Ommen Chandy fan 🙂
Somehow I knew you would pick on the MBA part, thats exactly why I had the “planet” bait in there 🙂 This blog if you look through entries from the past 5 years is all about narcissism. It’s about this strong feeling I have that I am with a group of other young men at the verge of changing the world. You could search it, there is not one mention of communism here. And no I dont believe in CSR, I plan to join a big corporation and help them make super normal profits over long term. All the while I plan to call for a revolution through this blog. If you think there is hypocrisy in that, you are a fish that goes for the small bait like the “planet” one 🙂 It’s complex, so think through it. You are an engineer after all. Plus Pratheesh and I have touched upon that in previous replies, do read those first and try not to waste other people’s time. Afterall I am MBA from one of the top schools in the planet 🙂 *Ouch*
The Laden angle was brilliant, yes I agree Al Qaeda and the Nazi party over the years has lost it’s morals like Christianity and Communism and Capitalism. It’s sad.
I wasn’t swearing you hypersensitive Ommen Chandy fan 🙂 Didnt CET give you that thick skin.
“Most are really nice ppl. And most dont give a fuck of what happens around them.” – I understand why you are still friends with them. I did mention about my apolitical friends in the post.
“But then, I dont develop this alter ego and write blogs claiming that me and my leftist brothers are going to change this world for good.”
Dude! Chill! there is a CETish way of responding to this itch of yours. I am not doing it. Then not writing a blog is not a big deal, writing consistently for 5 years is. Not being part of anything is easy, taking a clear political leaning and defending it is. Because this post was ideally meant to be a link to BC, and not an explanation to a nut job fanning his insecurities on why I blog, where I work, or who I sleep with. And my identity is out in the open, and your surname is “Agree”. So peace off.
I don’t moderate comments on this blog, but try to stick to the topic in question. I don’t mind things getting personal, I enjoy it, but in that case do introduce yourself, and we can take it from there.
@ Pratheesh
I tried copy pasting your Malayalam comments and my replies but its giving me an error. So I have just jotted down the first and last portions of ur comment and my replies to it.
Athu kondu thane, prathyayashastrathodu aabhimukhyamillathe thane, sangadanapravarthanathil erppedunnathu, SFIye sambhandichadutholam thettaya oru karyam alla.
–> My point exactly dear. Most people joining doesn’t believe in any “ËœPratyayashastram’. They do it just cos others do it. And when they get out of college, they would then do what others at the corporate would do. Still, they pretend that they care, write blogs about Matsyathozhilali prasnam, debate openly about Idathu Pratyayashastram, all cos they were once part of this great belief which they really dint believe in.
If this continues like this, Left would be Left out from mainstream politics and all that would be Left would be the Left overs from old times.
Marichulla aaropanam, athayathu saada muthalayiyekkal muthalaliyanu ividathe communist party “¦”¦”¦”¦ “¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦ “¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦ “¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦ thelivukal nirathendathayundu, enthu kondu angane oru nilapadil ethi ennathine patti.
–> A Toast for you My Blind Brother.
If it looks like a rose, smells like a rose, feels like a rose and tastes like a rose, I would definitely call that a Rose. Would you call that Kabooom or something like that?
When you make these declarations about how corrupt other leaders are, what proof have you shown? When I say you, I am referring to the whole lot of you.
Ithum Communisathinte, athinte nethakkalude porayma”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦ “¦”¦”¦”¦ “¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦ Enthanu udheshichathennu manasilakkamayirunnu.
–> I actually did think of blaming that on the Arabs. But then that would sound stupid. Wont it?
Leftists? you guys still exist, huh. So where do you folks work now? Software engineers in United States? Managers in Corporates? Just a bunch of hypocrites! And Genocide in Gujarat? Oh come on, give me a break you guys! So Bengal is all developed and people living happily, huh?
>>My point exactly dear.
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>>And when they get out of college, they would then do what others at the corporate would do. Still, they pretend that they care, write blogs about Matsyathozhilali prasnam, debate openly about Idathu Pratyayashastram, all cos they were once part of this great belief which they really dint believe in.
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>>If this continues like this, Left would be Left out from mainstream politics and all that would be Left would be the Left overs from old times.
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>>When you make these declarations about how corrupt other leaders are, what proof have you shown? When I say you, I am referring to the whole lot of you.
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>>If it looks like a rose, smells like a rose, feels like a rose and tastes like a rose, I would definitely call that a Rose
Learn about artificial flavors, which is analogical to made-up news as seen in any contemporary right media [and the way it is perceived by common public was shown by you]
>>I actually did think of blaming that on the Arabs. But then that would sound stupid. Wont it?
Let me be more candid. You sound stupid even without that, _dear_ friend.
The actual Bodhi was started in the 1990s by the SFI commitee of CET unit.
Sajith,Krishnakumar.rajan,Satheesh,Anil,Byju, Suseendar,sunil ,Santhosh ,Unnikrishnan, praveen ,Sunil.C.P.Parvathy.A.K. Bindu.C.A. ,Biju.C.A,Sidan, Shelly,Madhu.K.S,Abhinesh,…etc were the initial activist of this movement under the guidance of SFI.
At that time the Hindu polarization was high in our India.
The soviet disintegration ,The”GLASNOST, PERESTROIKA” of Gorbachev,the Mundal movement, The “Bofforce” case, V.P’s ministry with the support of BJP and Left to fight against the corruption… are the impotant movements in India.
In our campus ABVP’ movement under VIVEKANAND PAI. LOBBY discussions in every morning.We the SFI has supported the DEMOCRATIC movement of other organizations like KSU; It was the strength of our generation . That is the democratic spirit. Unfortunately the other SFI campus like , University college, and Arts college has given no democratic values at that time. The Marivanious college was alternatively win with SFI and KSU.MG.college(ABVP),
That generation of SFI has witnessed the soviet Unions disintegration and many political turmoils of the world.They have given a solid base for the left movement in Kerala. The “epic center” strike against the Self financing is Our CET.
Now what the younger generation are doing/contributing for the communist movements.You people are acting as a Neo- liberal communists.
Here is the ideological dilutions…No vibrant movements from youth,since we have to loose something from this neo-liberal visions ,isn’t ???????