Neihal has tagged me. Funda of the tag is, like there are three things, so what this tag does is given there are three things for example say if there are three things, you kinda do a tag of three. That was cool hehe, and here I go…
*! – Technical terms with no significant meaning*
Three things that scare me
1. My Landlord-ini
2. Product Launches!
3. Pressure cooker
Three people who make me laugh
1. Stephen Colbert
2. Appi,Laddu,Ammavan!
3. Moiself
Three things I love
1. Fridays
2. Travelling
3. The spanish chick who lives downstairs
Three things I hate
1. Writing E-mails, especially work related
2. Cold Climate
3. The spanish chick’s dad who lives downstairs
Three things I don’t understand
1. Difference between Churidar and Salwar Kameez
2. Do ducks feel cold, when its cold outside ?
3. Why every girl I know hates Aishwarya Rai
Three things on my desk
1. One pack Malboro Lights
2. My dog – Bolshoi!
3. Ipod
Three things I am doing right now
1. Searching under my desk
2. Searching in google
3. Still searching for the moron who coined this tag
Three things I want to do before I die
1. Live
2. Visit Pahad *Himalayas which Jiby wrote about*
3. Set up my animal farm
Three things I can do
1. I can say 23 jokes in two minutes
2. I can eat 10 chicken wings in two minutes
3. I can do fifty push-ups in two minutes
Three things you should listen to
1. The Doors
2. Mom – when she says ‘quit smoking’
3. Silence – *some funda*
Three things you should never listen to
1. Colleagues who crib about work
2. “Moral science” teachers and their illegitimate sons
3. Death rock, especially just after waking up – screws your system
Three things I’d like to learn
1. How to Write Emails
2. How to say NO
3. How to find out where a Spanish chick works and then what to do about that
Three favourite books
1. Love in the time of Cholera
2. Legend of Khasak
3. Essential Neruda
Three favourite food
1. Dosa with Sambhar and Chutney
2. All American Breakfast – Denny’s
3. Kappa with beef fry and a KF to drain down
Three beverages I drink regularly
1. Coffee – Tea *10-15 times a day*
2. Guava juice + Pineapple juice + mango juice cocktail *5 times minimum*
3. Soda lime – again personal cocktail, others will puke
Three TV shows/books I watched/read when I was kid
1. Three Investigators *Alfred Hitchcock presents*
2. Poompatta, Bobanum Moliyum
3. Giant Robot
Three people I like to tag.
lol @ landlordini. they seem to be a scary species.
And a salwaar-kameez is when the salwaar (pants) are loose-fitting all the way to the bottom near the ankles. a churidar is when the pants are fitting and bunched around the ankle-calf area.
TMI and confusing too :)) loose-fitting is relative i guess, one day we’ll reduce all this complexity to jeans and tee i hope :))
OK . 23 PJs and 10 chicken wings – but 50 push ups??? Pulu adikkathe sakhave ..
Love in the Time of Cholera ?? ahem ahem
btw, even i didn’t know the diff bet salwar-kameez and churidat.
ROFTL at pressure cooker…I swear I am the figgest fan of that post.
And I am now going to write a post on my landLORD….and if he lands up at my blog…and I become homeless , u r the one to blame :))
I enjoy lime soda maashe…
What about the Spanish chick’s mom??
Loved this tag.was hilarious.I think you should get to know the spanish chick and don’t worry about her dad.
NJ, sammathikilla alle :), sambhavam sheriyanu
Neihal, landlords are bad bad ppl, so tk some care :)*mine is as big as an Auto-rickshaw*
Lalitha, Thanks, ya need to get a life
Alex, Avade ammede details ariyilla, njan chodikkam :))
“as big as an Auto-rickshaw”
no laughing today… stomach hurts :((
All girls hate Aishwarya Rai was awesome! Spanish Chick and Chicken Wings with pushups were hilarious!
Terrific tag, sir!
thanks for the tag bud..i think u shuld take the spanish dad for a drink and maybe things might work out!!
Alex, hehe
Neihal, she is !!
popabhi, thanks man !
Mathew, lemme see. *kudipichu kidatham alle :)*
fiction is always fun to read , aint it ??
super post!