When a woman does ascend through the glass ceiling into the White House, it will be, in part, because of the race of 2008, when Hillary Clinton broke through the glass floor and got down with the boys.  (link to Full article below)

Do you remember the final scene in Wolfgang Petersen’s classic Air Force One, when they haul Harrison Ford over and the pilot quips “Liberty Two Four is changing call signs – Liberty Two Four is now Air Force One!”. Was I thrilled?

All of us (me in plural) continued to stay away from a US election campaign which has no chance of delivering a handsome white male in Pennsylvania avenue. Doesn’t every US president we’ve seen look a bit like Harrison Ford, say things like “The dead remember our indifference. The dead remember our silence.”

And now there seems to be a winner, atleast one person made the Time Cover


While everybody is writing volumes on where Clinton went wrong, there is this interesting piece in NYT which answers a lot of chauvinists including me. Hillary’s Achilles heel was the White male vote which never favoured her. The last few primaries saw a reversal of the trend. Why would white males vote for her? 

Susan Faludi’s interesting and revealing take on Hillary’s stepping across an unstated gender divide, transforming herself and breaking the glass floor,

While the populace might concede the merits of the female reformers’ cause, it found them repellent on a more glandular level. In that visceral subbasement of the national imagination – the one that underlies all the blood-and-guts sports imagery our culture holds so dear – the laurels go to the slugger who ignores the censors, the outrider who navigates the frontier without a chaperone.

Full article here