One can be too cynical about the Bambi Nobel, but if there is one person who has changed the “mood” of the world in such a short period of time, from bringing the world back to multi-nationalism, cutting nuclear arsenal, asserting the main street over all the wall streets, committing to climate change, changing G8 to G20, taking a stand on torture, net neutrality, doing away with the missile shield, and talking to Iran after 30 years, it is Bambi.


Then about tangible results, Al Gore Nobel was not because he closed the ozone gap, Rabin Nobel was not because he ended the Mid-east conflict, Yunus Nobel was not because he ended poverty in Bangladesh, Elbaradei Nobel was not because there is no nuclear weapon left in the world. Give it a shot when history is changing.

Here’s to Bambi, and a world at peace with itself!